ACRYLICAST SCULPTURES (most signed with initials LS 1961 – 1970’s) Toluene was used to dissolve pieces together.
#1 Plastic with balls and red infused W 7 3/4″ x6 1/2″ Base 5 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
#2 Blue Acrylic H 37 1/4″ x 3 1/4′ x 1/2″ Base 13″ x 2 3/4′ x 1/2″
#3 4 Sides 4′ x 2″ x 1 3/16″ Base 4″ x 2″ x 1 3/16″
#4 4 sided 3 78/” x 2 1/2′ x 2 5/8″ x 4 1/2″ x 2″ x 4″ Base 3″ x 3″ 3″
#5 Plastic with attached balls H 7 1/4″ x 4″ x4″ x 4″
#6 1 piece with balls and color 12 1/2″ x 16″. Base 6″ x 13″
#7 3 sections with acrylic balls of all sizes/rods/one large panel 18″ x 7 7/8″
and two smaller panels 29 1/4″ x23 1/2″;1 3/4″ deep in front/metal base 4″ x 22 1/2″ 7″ In back
#8 2 panels with red between. Third piece on top. 6″ x 2 1/4′ x 8 1/2″.
#9 “Extrusions 1″ Base: solid clear acrylicast 11 7/8″ x 3 3/8″ x 18 1/2”
#11 Single panel W 4 3/4″ x H 30″ Metal Base 5″ x 9 5/8″
#12 Single panel W 6 1/2′ x 19′ Metal base 6″ x 12 3/”
#13 Single panel W 8 7/8″ x 24 5/9″ Metal Base 6″ x 8 7/8″
#14 Four panels encasing images of Seated Nude in different colors to enhance depth of images. W 8 7/8″ x 14″ Base 3′ x 14″.
#15 Blue acrylicast W 7 1/4′ x 25 1/2″ Base 6″ x 7 ”
#16 Single panel W 13 1/2″ x H 21 1/3″ Metal Base 7″ x 20″
#17 Single panel W 14′ x 21′ Metal base 4 3/4″ x 14/”
#18 Single panel W 28 1/2″ x 62 3/4″ Metal Base 38 1/2″ x 17 3/4″ in LR
#19 “Twin Towers” 2 panels with red in part of plastic.20 5/8″ x 3″ x 1 1/4″ on triennial base.
#20 13 1/4″ x 21″ Metal base 7″ x 70″
#21 21 1/2 ” x 15 3/4″ x 1 1/8″ Plastic base 16″ x 8″ Small plastic balls attached on
side/some red paint
#22 Blue acrylicast w 6 1/4′ x 18″ Metal base 6″ x 12 1/2″
#23 Acrylicast with balls 6 1/8″ x 17 1/4′ Metal base 6′ x 12 1/2″
#24 Acrylicast Blue with clear Triangle and ball in front 6 1/8″ x 17 1/4′ Base 4″ x 4″ x 1/2″ H!5″x 13/4″ x 1/2″
#25 Acrylicast 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2: x 3 3/4″. Has seven sides
# 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 4 pieces Abstract cut outs of women with cross legs. 2 mounted on bases 6″ x 23 1/2″ H 40 3/4″ W at lower part 32 1/4″ 1/2″ thick plastic
#31 4 pieces together. Red strips on inner edges. H 21″ W 9 1/2″ Plastic base 15 1/2″ x 11 3/4″ x 1 1/2″. Base unfinished. Needs mirror glued to surface of base.
#32 2 Blue pieces V shaped, hole in one side deliberate H 39 1/2″ x 12 1/2 ” Blue plastic base 12 3/4″ x 2 1/2″
#33 Blue circle with one flat end for mounting. Needs base. H 23″ to flat side W 23 1/2″ round side.
# 34 Double panel with acrylic balls on inside of panels. H 36 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ x 3/4″ Base 10″ x10″ x 1″.
#35 White plastic square for hanging on one hook as diagonal. Painted on two sides in reds, yellow, purples, pinks. 26 1/2″ x 26 1/2″. Hang with light behind.
#36 Grey plastic with acrylic balls and small pieces of white plastic. W 22 1/2″ x 17′ x 1″ Base 22 1/2″ x 5 3/4″.
#37 Panel with abstract curves on one side. Red in the plastic. Triangles protruding on other side. W at base 10″ x 36 1/2 ” x 3/4 ” Base 10″ x 11″.
#38 Panel with textures/acrylic balls of different sizes/ tubes on both sides. W 34″ x H 68 1/4″ x 1/2′”. Metal base and frame.
#39 “Extruded Materials around the bottom of Two Vertical Panels”. Base:: solid clear acrylicast 21″ x 3 1 1/2″ x 16″